Public Relations Chair – Mia Tran

Major(s):  Civil Engineering (Structural/Geotechnical Track)

Minor: Global Engineering Leadership

Year: Junior

Mia joined EWB towards the end of her freshman year as it was an organization she had wanted to become involved with since high school. She’s passionate about community service and greatly values professional and socio-international collaboration. EWB encapsulates Mia’s interpersonal interests with a focus on gaining hands-on skills and technical knowledge. Mia is currently the Community Subteam Lead on the Kiryabicooli project, for which she creates educational materials for the local community. Outside of EWB, Mia is Internal Vice President for the Vietnamese Student Association and is also a Resident Assistant. She likes to read, cycle, explore new places, and play with her dog Mochi. 







Meet the rest of the Executive Board!